Source: Generated with Ideogram “The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived.” ― Robert Jordan, The Fires of Heaven Most of us know a…
“Cringe” and New Online Forms of Shame
In a recent piece on his YouTube channel, professor of philosophy Hans-Georg Moeller argues that we have seen a recent rise in the use of the word “cringe” to describe a new,…
Do You Have a Highly Sensitive Child?
Sensitive children often get a bad rap. They can be labeled as “difficult,” “dramatic,” or “spoiled,” and often parents are blamed for coddling or over-accommodating them. Yet, research increasingly suggests that children…
3 Questions to Overcome Your Biggest Fear
Source: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio When I was eight or nine years old, I would hide under the bed, hearing my parents scream at each other. Dad had come home late and drunk, again,…
Talking With Kids About Trump’s Near-Assassination
I found myself glued to the television as clips of an attempted assassination on former President Trump flashed across the screen. My heart raced with disbelief and uncertainty. As I stood frozen,…
Uncovering Genetic Effects on Individual Symptoms
A person who suffers from a particular mental health condition, such as depression, can show a wide variety of symptoms—problems with sleeping, regulating emotions, and concentrating. But are all symptoms equal? And…
12 Ways to Manage Election Stress and Anxiety
Look heavenward and speak the word aloud. Peace. We look at our world and speak the word aloud. Peace. – Maya Angelou Source: Fergus Coyle / Adobe Stock We are in a…
Are You Cuddling Your Anxiety? The Dangers of Merely Coping
For more than twenty years, I have been ‘preaching’ about the importance not to demonize anxiety but to approach this challenging emotion with compassion and patience. Therefore, what I’m about to share…
Are We Overusing the Term “Anxiety”?
Source: Julie Aagaar/Pexels As a seasoned clinician with over two decades of experience, I have observed several diagnoses gain popularity over time, often becoming trendy, misused, and glamorized. Not long ago, everyone…
Silliness Is a Gateway Drug
Source: Andrea Piacquadio I live a life built by well-maintained pillars of truth, integrity, community, responsibility, psychological health, and rigor. It is great: really. But ketamine reintroduced me to long lost childhood…