Source: Gabby / Pexels We are in the midst of a massive youth mental health crisis. The numbers tell a sobering story: Nearly three-quarters of parents say they are worried about their…
What Makes Some People So Annoying to Us?
As a therapist, a good deal of therapy time is spent addressing how to deal with difficult, annoying people in our lives. Sometimes, it’s the person at work, the grumpy neighbor, the…
Can “Retail Therapy” Help You Feel Better?
Although there continues to be, for some, a stigma attached to psychotherapy, there is an alternative mental health “intervention” that seems to have received almost universal acceptance: what’s euphemistically referred to as…
3 Ways Worriers Can Be More Productive
Source: Unsplash/Desola Lanre-Ologun Various thinking patterns associated with anxiety can hamper your productivity. When you understand these, you can adjust. 1. Don’t let negative expectations prevent you from trying simple solutions that…
Benefits of the Wim Hof Method
Source: Photo by David Boca on Unsplash By Justine Saavedra, M.S. and Tchiki Davis, M.A., Ph.D. The Wim Hof Method is named after the person who developed it—a man named Wim Hof…
What Everyone Should Know About Child Mental Health
Raising kids is a difficult, often thankless task, even when things go smoothly: Childhood is basically a constant state of change. The minute you get a handle on one behavior, your child…
Does Anxiety Stop You From Living a Meaningful Life?
Anxiety is an inevitable part of life. Anxiety serves as our built-in alarm system, but sometimes, due to various factors such as genetics, past experiences, and psychological traumas, some individuals’ alarm systems…
The Case Against Perfectionism |
Source: Mauro Gigli/Unsplash When asked to state your greatest weakness, odds are that a part of you wants to be clever by sharing a strength in the guise of a weakness. For…
7 Self-Regulation Strategies for People With Anxiety
Source: Peopleimages – Yuri A/Shutterstock People with anxiety often ask for reassurance about their safety from their loved ones. If given, the reassurance usually provides only temporary relief, especially for patients whose…
Why Are People So Resistant to Change?
One of the strongest psychological forces is people’s resistance to change. Whether it is a change at work, such as a new boss or new process, or a personal change, such as…