If you are an overthinker, you will know how anxiety-provoking it can be to get stuck in thought loops that don’t seem to stop. A central idea of acceptance and commitment therapy…
5 Ways to Reduce New Employees’ Anxiety
Starting a New Job Source: Gil Winch Starting a new job entails dealing with much uncertainty regarding the job itself, the people and the culture, so it’s not surprising that in a…
Traditional Job Screening Is Unfair, Damaging, and Ineffective
Source: Gil Winch Roy had worked at my company’s (CY) call center for three years, providing outsourced phone service to a cellphone company’s clients. Despite struggling with his self-confidence, his productivity and…
The Climate Crisis: Helping Youth With Emotional Distress
Challenge of Climate Change Source: Dean Moriarty:Pikabay royalty free Educators, mental health experts, parents, and environmental advocates offer hopeful strategies for helping our children and youth navigate their complex emotional responses to…
4 Ways to Cope With a Panic Attack
Source: Nestea06/Envato Elements About a week after September 11, 2001, I was in the bathroom of my cousin’s house, hyperventilating and thinking I was having a heart attack. Just before that, I…
Intimate Betrayal and Post-Traumatic Stress
Source: Foundry/ Pixabay As if recovery from intimate betrayal weren’t hard enough, nature complicates the process with symptoms of post-traumatic stress (PTS). The most familiar type of PTS—the one that gets the…
4 Signs the Secret You’re Keeping Is Too Much of a Burden
Source: Kristina Flour / Unsplash Many people come to therapy feeling torn between concealing a secret and revealing it. Facing this inner conflict might prompt them to say things like: “I just…
2 Things Not to Say When Your Child Says “I Hate You!”
Here’s a quiz: What emotions do you imagine a child is experiencing when they pronounce their hatred towards someone? Anger? Sadness? Fear? Shame? Answer: Any or all of the above. One of…
Diversity Leads to a Happier Life
Source: Anastasiya Babienko/ Pixabay Have you ever experienced a down day, where your heart is sad? Well, today we’re going to explore something that research shows you can do to feel better….
How the Social Aspects of Our Lives Impact Our Happiness
If you’re struggling with your mental health, you’re not alone. According to the World Health Organization, over one billion people are experiencing mental health conditions. Further, the CDC reports that 50% of…