Shawn’s panic attack sends him through unusual dimensions and, as it worsens, his girlfriend Ellie’s behavior becomes increasingly erratic. A struggling young mother strives to bind her family together despite having an…
7 Tips for Improving Athletic Performance
Source: Pixelhead Photo Digital Skillet/Shutterstock Athletes often report that they have trouble keeping their minds in the game. They may worry about a previous missed play, whether they will make a poor…
Build Your Child’s Executive Functioning Skills
Source: Yan Krukau/Pexels As parents, we want to give our children the tools they need so they can be successful. Unfortunately, when our children enter late elementary or middle school, there isn’t…
When the News and Social Media Are More Harmful Than Helpful
CrizzyStudio/Shutterstock Did you watch the news today? So many of my clients, friends, family, and colleagues tell me they avoid the news because it’s depressing and makes them feel helpless. I get…
Are You in a Pattern of Overthinking?
cmaximilian/unsplash Most people take a few minutes throughout their day to reflect, explore, or examine things they need to do or they’ve recently completed on their “to do” list. These moments of…
3 Homework Strategies for Teens With ADHD
Source: Ivan Samkov / Pexels It’s the start of a new school year, the honeymoon phase is slowly beginning to fade, and the rigor of academics is taking off. Every year, I…
The Fear of Rejection Can Rule Your Life Until You Face It
Anatoliy Karlyuk/Adobe stock images Charlotte signed up for online dating because, at 34, she was starting to feel that time was limited for her to find the right person. Every other day…
What It’s Like to Have Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder (SAD), or social phobia, is a chronic condition in which people have an intense fear of being embarrassed, humiliated, watched, judged, or offending others. For those with SAD, everyday…
Practical Tips on Changing Anxious Thoughts
Put worries and fears into words. Vanessa Garcia / Pexels This post is part one of a series. We know that challenging distorted or “irrational” thinking reduces anxiety. But how exactly do…
Can Getting a Massage Improve Mental Health?
I remember a psychologist suggesting I get a massage. I felt myself a bit aback. Massage seemed to me like an expensive placebo. She shared about massage assisting with emotional release and…