When ill, physically or mentally, we take our prescribed doses of medicine. If holistically inclined, we may also take vitamins, get the right amount of exercise, eat a healthy diet with enough…
Going Green Is Good for You
Source: pixabay / fietzfotos / 4922 images No, I’m not talking about becoming vegan or improving your recycling methods (although neither of those things is bad). Instead, I am talking about good…
Is Cell Phone Use Linked to Cardiovascular Disease?
A new study [1] published three days ago in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology followed 444,027 people from England, Wales and Scotland, ages 37 to 73 over a median time of 12.3…
5 Reasons You’re Battling Over Household Chores
Source: Klimkin/Pixabay Battling over housework has to be one of the most common first-world problems that couples struggle over, whether it’s laundry, dishes, bathrooms, who does it, who doesn’t, or how it’s…
Avoidance Maintains Anxiety |
Many aspects of daily life can leave you feeling anxious. The combination of high demands at work and home, compounded by experiences of microaggressions, traumatic events, and moral injury, can result in…
What to Do When You Couldn’t Say Goodbye
Source: Aleshyn Andrei/Shutterstock It is an emotionally challenging experience to suddenly and unexpectedly lose a loved one without having the opportunity to say goodbye. Some people do well and don’t need to…
The Evolution of Mental Health
A total of 280 million humans suffer from depression. Depression is expected to be the leading cause of disease burden in high-income countries by 2030, according to the World Health Organization. Why…
Why Am I So Stressed?
Why Am I So Stressed?
Do You Suffer From Death Anxiety?
Source: Lars Eriksson/Pixabay One of the things that separates humans from other animals is that humans are aware that death is the final stage of life. While other animals are spared a…
2 Common Nightmares and Their Hidden Meanings
Source: Blake Cheek / Unsplash We’ve all been there—waking up in a cold sweat, with your heart pounding after a nightmare so vivid, that it’s hard to remember what’s real. Whether it’s…