Source: Pexels / Pixabay I work with clients who have insomnia. Designing a worry practice1 is one key way to manage worry and other difficult emotions. We create a specific worry space…
Category: Anxiety
Sometimes Imagining the Worst Is the Best Thing to Do
Source: PD pics/pixabay Kate is worried about getting laid off from her job. Tim applied to only a couple of colleges that fit what he wants to do but is obsessing about…
Anxious? Chewing Gum May Help
It may sound too good to be true: One simple, science-backed remedy for anxiety is chewing gum. (And, no, I don’t work for a gum company!) Chewing gum is generally good for…
2 Proven Ways to Tame the Sunday Blues
Source: Kanashi/Unsplash Sunday evenings are a notoriously difficult time for many of us. Whether it’s the sinking feeling from realizing another weekend has passed while you were idly scrolling through TikTok, or…
Surfing the Wave of Anxiety
[1] P. M. Kris-Etherton et al., “Nutrition and behavioral health disorders: Depression and anxiety,” Nutr Rev, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 247–260, 2021, doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuaa025. [2] R. Norbury and S. Evans, “Time…
Learning to Surf Uncertainty
Yoann Boyer / Unsplash We’re only just starting to assess the effects of global events during the past few years, and many of the patients I see at our family clinic are…
Anxiety as a Source of Self-Knowledge
I ended my first Psychology Today blog post on what might have seemed to some readers as a grim, perhaps pessimistic, fatalistic, or “doomer” note: We’re always going to be anxious! But…