Source: Liza Summer / Pexels We humans have survived for hundreds of thousands of years in part because we are equipped with a self-protection system that regulates our emotions as it registers…
Category: Anxiety
How to Address Anxiety Before, During, or After Driving
Driving can be a pleasurable experience. But unfortunately, many people make themselves anxious about driving. The First Principle of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is: It’s never situations themselves, but rather our…
9 Steps to Panic-Proof Your Life and Conquer Anxiety
I have repeatedly seen with my counseling clients that resisting panic symptoms can often exacerbate them, making the situation worse. This is a common observation among mental health professionals and physicians, who…
How I Coped With My Anxiety as a Teacher
Source: Pixel Shot/Shutterstock By Christopher Costello, BA, with Ran D. Anbar, MD As a person with anxiety, I faced some significant obstacles early in my career as a teacher. I felt confident…
The Hallmarks of High-Functioning Anxiety
You may have heard of the buzzword term, “high-functioning anxiety.” But what does it actually mean? What does it look like…or rather not look like? Let’s break it down. High-functioning anxiety can…
Can Anxiety Relief Come at the Cost of Cognitive Health?
Benzodiazepines, often referred to as “benzos,” are commonly prescribed medications used to treat conditions such as anxiety and insomnia. These include drugs like Ativan, Xanax, and Clonazepam. In the United States alone,…
Shifting From Negative and Anxious to Positive and Confident
The other morning, I got out of bed and faced myself in the bathroom mirror. My hair was tousled, and my face and neck were creased from sleeping on my side. I…
7 Helpful Tips to Know About Your Anxiety
Source: Karolina Grabowska /Pexels The World Health Organization reports that anxiety disorders are the world’s most common mental disorders, affecting 301 million people in 2019. An estimated 31.1 percent of U.S. adults…
The Improv Cure |
Many years ago , well after I became a practicing clinician, I decided to take up a new part time interest : improvisational comedy . As many of you know who have…
Why You Can’t Cope Your Way Out of Anxiety
I’ll come right out and say it: I’m anti-coping skills. The phrase triggers me almost as much as the chronic overuse of the phrase “triggers me” to mean “I don’t like it.”…