“It’s not the strongest of a species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most resilient and responsive to change.”—Charles Darwin The continuous stresses of modern life surround us like…
The Many Faces of Fear
Source: Cottonbro Studio/Pexels It’s October, and all around us are the smells of fall. The leaves are falling, pumpkins are lined up in grocery store windows, and I’m wearing my favorite hoodie…
How to Live Each Day With a Childlike Heart
Remember the first time you tasted ice cream as a child? The pure, unadulterated joy, the excitement that made you shiver with delight? Or perhaps you recall the awe-inspiring moment you first…
3 Easy Tips to Reset Your Calm
Ever since the search for the Fountain of Youth, people have sought easy, quick fixes to improve how they feel. Researchers now identify simple, evidence-based strategies that can help. These might not…
How Parents Can Help Adolescents Build an Awareness of Time
Source: Carl Pickhardt Time is very artificial and absolutely real. We create and depend upon it to measure, organize, celebrate, and manage our daily experience of life. It’s a very large topic…
OCD May Not Be What You Think It Is
Source: Nathan Cowley/Stock Photo “Hug my parents for 11 seconds or else they’ll die, pray to God then kiss your fingers or else you’ll have cancer… I had one time where I…
Is There Something More to OCD Than Suffering?
Tormented by repetitive thoughts, there are few conditions I have seen cause the level of suffering that obsessive-compulsive disorder can. While the media caricature of OCD involves super-organization and overachievement, this is…
Feeling the Fear and Doing It Anyway
Source: Guy Lebreton/Pexels My family had horses when I was a teenager, and I was tasked with the responsibility of taking care of them. I was never completely comfortable with the equines,…
The Childfree Choice as Self-Care
Beach Sunset Source: Saira Ahmed/Unsplash Self-care is a term that is thrown around a lot in wellness spaces, evoking images of leisurely beach strolls and luxurious bubble baths. However, self-care encompasses more…
‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’: A Projective Screen
Science fiction films often anticipate the future. Invasion movies, a popular niche, might give us a clue about our own. What do I mean by invasion? Aliens and microbes from outer space,…